Can you quote this because I've seen a few posts before saying that any spell prepared in a 0-level slot isn't expended when it's cast. So no unlimited widened detect magic and no unlimited magical lineage + merciful shocking grasp. Unlimited casting only goes for 0th level spells in 0th level slots. Obviously, broken as all hell, especially if the Magus is using a high crit weapon. Kinda how Merisiel's method of solving a problem is to stab it until there is no problem, this guy's method is casting Fireball until the problem goes away.Īs for Shocking Grasp, the idea was to Intensify Shocking Grasp as a Magus at 10th level (for 10d6 Shock Damage), and mix it with Wayang Spell Hunter and Magical Lineage for an at-will 10d6 Shocking Grasp that the Magus can use with Spellstrike. It was kinda made as a joke, but it is a funny idea for a character. If I wanted to get really mean, come 10th level, 0-level Intensified Shocking Grasp for the Magus. Not very practical, but hilarious! The other thought I had was to pick Scorching Ray, start preparing second level Empowered Scorching Ray, 0-level Merciful Scorching Ray, or 1st level Disruptive Scorching Ray for castys. I think that makes the developer intent very clear.ĥth level Wizard Evoker with 18 Intelligence prepares.ġ)Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball, Merciful FireballĢ)Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireballģ)Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball, Merciful Fireball But seriously."they’re intended to give player characters a slight edge, not a secret backdoor way to focus all of a character’s traits on one type of bonus and thus gain an unseemly advantage". Yes, since it's not technically a "trait bonus", they stack. HENCE why I qualified my statement with "follows the written developers intention for the Trait system". Resistances, immunities, spell turning, etc are all easy options to challenge a character like that. As a DM if you had a player that dedicated himself that fully to one spell it would be easy as pie to balance. The argument was that they don't provide any kind of bonus, named or otherwise, and also come from two different categories of trait, magic(magical lineage) and regional(wayang spellhunter). It's on a post somewhere here on the board. It might even be in a FAQ somewhere, but I'm occupied at the moment and don't have the extra time to look it up. This follows the written developers intention for the Trait system.Īlso, I believe one of the developers even stated on these boards that you could not reduce a lvl 1 or higher spell to a 0-level cantrip. I would think that since Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage provide the exact same benefit, they don't stack.